Abstracts & Awards

Abstract publication

Abstract publication

SSNS: Journal of Neurological Surgery


SSNR: Journal Clinical Translational Neuroscience


Abstract submission


The abstract submission is closed.

Last deadline for submission

March 09, 2018

Guidelines for submission

  • Abstracts should be written in English.
  • The content of the abstract should be divided into "Aim(s)," "Methods," "Results", "Conclusions"  if applicable and is limited to 2500 caracters (title, author’s names, and affiliation excluded). 
  • Acknowledgements, references can be added in the separate field below the abstract content. 
  • References should be indicated using the following format: author name, journal name, year of publication, volume, starting page, without manuscript title e.g., (Smith AG. et al. J Fant 2002:79:567).
  • Abstracts can be submitted for posters or for oral communications or for both.
  • Abstracts that have been presented at a foreign congress during the last year, can be submitted again.
  • Abstracts that have been published in a journal cannot be submitted here.
  • Abstracts that have been submitted at an earlier SSNR or SSNS congress cannot be be submitted here again.

Abstract rating & Notifications

The submitted abstracts will be reviewed and rated by members of the society boards and the scientific committee.

Acceptance for posters and oral communications will be communicated to the corresponding/submitting author beginning of April 2018.

Accepted abstracts will be published in the
Journal Clinical Translational Neuroscience.

Awards SSNS
  • Research price
  • Best poster
  • SYNS Science Slam Travel Grant
 Award Ceremony
The Joint Award Ceremony will take place during the congress.