Dear colleagues
We hereby invite you to the second module of the SFCNS Imaging Course by the Swiss Federation of Clinical-Neuro-Societies that will for the first time take place virtually in 4 parts on March, 4 / 11 / 18 and 25, 2021.
The SFCNS Imaging Course is a multidisciplinary course teaching how to read and interpret neuroimaging data from basic to advanced levels. It is aimed at physicians working in one of the clinical neuro-disciplines.
We were able to attract excellent speakers and prepared an attractive program focusing on the practical application of neuroimaging. The course will focus on:
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our virtual program and to your participation!
Kind regards
Prof. Philippe Lyrer, MD Prof. Dr. med. Karl-Olof Lövblad
President SFCNS President SSNR