General information

Web App

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Thursday to Friday, May 24-25, 2018
Save the date and include the congress in your Calendar (Outlook or iCal).


Palazzo dei Congressi | Piazza Indipendenza 4 | 6900 Lugano


Main presentations: English
Free communications: English, German or French
Slides: English
IG-NOPPS: German


  23.05.18 24.05.18 25.05.18 26.05.18
Swiss Society of Neurosurgery (SSNS) 4 8 8 4
Swiss Society of Radioloy (SSR) 3 5 6 4
Swiss Neurological Society (SNS)  - 3 6  -


Registration fees

  Early Bird until
16.04.2018 - 25.05.2018 Networking Event
Days 1 Day 2 Days 1 Day 2 Days  
Members physician SSNS / SSNR 120 200 160 280 100
Non-member physician 170 300 210 380 100
IG-NOPPS* 100 180 50
Assistant / MTRA / Nurse / Student 100 180 50
Workhsops, each 60 100  

Fees in CHF
Subject to modifications

*the registration fees IG-NOPPS for the congress are covered by the SSNS.
Therefore the participation is free of charge.

Cancellation Policy

IMK must be informed about cancellations in written form.

Cancellations received up to 15.04.2018: 50% refund
Cancellations after the 16.04.2018: no refund

Confirmation of participation

Attendants will receive an electronic confirmation of participation per e-mail after completing a questionnaire regarding the scientific content and the organization of the meeting.

Website and contact of the societies

Swiss Society of Neurosurgery |
Swiss Society of Neuroradiology SSNR: |
Association of Neurosurgical nursing staff Switzerland IG-NOPPS: |

Presidents of the societies

Swiss Society of Neurosurgery SSNS | PD Dr. med. Oliver Hausmann
Swiss Society of Neuroradiology SSNR | Prof. Dr. med. Luca Remonda
Association of Neurosurgical nursing staff Switzerland IG-NOPPS | Jürgen Schmidt

Scientific committee

PD Dr. med. Oliver Hausmann, Luzern | SSNS, President
Prof. Dr. med. Luca Remonda, Aarau | SSNR, President
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Reinert, Lugano | SSNS, Co-President Scientific Committee
PD Dr. med. Alessandro Cianfoni, Lugano | SSNR, Co-President Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Beck, Bern | SSNS
PD Dr. med. Philippe Bijlenga, Genève | SSNS
PD Dr. med. Maria Blatow, Basel | SSNR
PD Dr. med. Oliver Bozinov, Zürich | SSNS
Prof. Dr. med. Raphael Guzman, Basel | SSNS
Prof. Dr. med. Karl-Olof Lövblad, Genève | SSNR
Jürgen Schmidt, Basel | IG-NOPPS
Prof. Dr. med. Isabel Wanke, Zürich | SSNR

Professional Congress Organizer (PCO)

IMK - Institute for medicine and communication Ltd.
Harald F. Grossmann
Münsterberg 1
CH-4001 Basel

Phone: +41 61 271 35 51 | Fax: +41 61 271 33 38 |